Genes linked to abnormal heartbeat in sleep apnea

Published by Travis Wilson on

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep problem. People with OSA briefly, but, stop breathing while they sleep. This happens because the airways narrow or close during sleep. OSA is often linked to serious heart problems, like atrial fibrillation (AF). In AF, the speed or rhythm of the heartbeat is not normal. AF is common in people with OSA, but we do not know what causes a person with OSA to develop AF. In this project, researchers will search for genes linked with both conditions using BioVU samples. They will also study whether people with more severe sleep apnea are more likely to develop AF. The researchers hope to create a formula, based on a person’s symptoms and genes that can predict their risk of AF. The results could tell us which patients with OSA are most likely to develop AF.
