Genetics of hyperemesis gravidarum

Published by Alicia Ferguson on

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) 

During pregnancy some people may experience morning sickness or nausea or vomiting (NV). HG is a rare complication of pregnancy where more intense symptoms of nausea and vomiting are experienced. This can cause the mother and baby to take in less food and liquids, which can be harmful. HG can lead to symptoms of: 

  • Fluid imbalances 
  • Dehydration 
  • Weight loss 
  • Dark strong smelling urine
  • Vomiting blood
  • Stomach Pain
  • Fatigue

Medical attention may be needed for those with this condition. Treatments can include medication, IV fluids, or dietary changes. The cause of HG is not exactly known. Some think that hormones or how the body processes food may be a cause. Scientists are studying more about HG to figure out how to help women who have it. 

How is the research done? 

The study team has found genes connected to how we break down food and how our hormones work. They believe some of the genes found could also be connected to having HG. The study team will use BioVU resources to study hormones and biomarkers for clues about how our body works. They want to use these clues to see if they can understand why some women feel sick during pregnancy. The team is also studying if these clues are genetically linked to HG to determine the risk factors and causes of this condition. The team will then figure out how likely it is for someone to have these certain genes that might be linked to the biomarkers they tested. They will also use this tool to see if these genes are related to any other health conditions.  

What is the importance of this study? 

Many pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, which is called NVP. Scientists want to learn more about why this happens so they can find better ways to help women who feel sick during pregnancy. They hope that by studying HG, they can find ways to predict who might get sick and how to treat it better. This would make life easier for pregnant women and help them stay healthy.
