Genetics of joint infections after hip or knee replacement

Published by Alicia Ferguson on

Genetics of Joint Infections after Hip or Knee Replacement


What are Joint Infections?  

Joint infections happen when germs or harmful bacteria get into the body and travel through the bloodstream to a joint. It can happen in any joint, like your knee, elbow, or shoulder. These infections can sometimes happen after someone has surgery to replace a joint. Joint infections are serious and can create more damage if not treated quickly. Conditions such as obesity and diabetes can increase risk for developing this illness also.

Symptoms of joint infections include: 

  • Joint pain
  • Joint swelling 
  • Fever
  • Trouble moving infected joint(s)
  • Redness and swelling around joints

Joint infections can be treated with antibiotics and more surgery. It is important to treat early to avoid serious outcomes. Medical professionals are working on better methods to find those at risk for developing a joint infection and reduce infections after surgery. 

How is the research done? 

Researchers want to figure out who might get infections after hip or knee surgery and help those at risk before surgery. The study team uses BioVU resources to look at the genes of those who have had hip or knee replacements. The team is looking for certain genes that may make someone more likely to get an infection after their surgery.  The team will also look at past health problems, like diabetes, to find additional possible connections linked to joint infections. They also plan to research the medical history of patients to find different ways to reduce infections. 

What is the importance of this study? 

Hip or knee joint infections remain a serious problem with little improvement in treatment. The research may help to prevent joint infections and keep people safe after surgery. 

