Genetics of long-term inflammation of the middle of the chest cavity.

Published by Travis Wilson on

The mediastinum is the space between your lungs. It contains the organs and tissues between your breast bone and your backbone. The middle part includes your heart and the main blood vessels to and from your lungs. It also contains your wind pipe (trachea), and the nerves and lymph nodes in this region. Fibers and collagen form the tissue that supports these organs. Fibrosing Mediastinitis, or FM, is a rare condition. It is linked to a common fungus infection. Only a few people with the infection will develop FM. For those who do get FM, scar tissue forms around the lymph nodes in this area of the body. This puts pressure on your heart and blood vessels. It can also constrict your airway making it hard to breathe. FM can be life-threatening. Scientists think that changes in certain genes may increase your risk for FM. Researchers at Vanderbilt will use BioVU to check for links between gene changes and FM. The results may help may help doctors predict who is at risk for FM. It may also lead to new ways to treat it.
