Where are you in your study? (TO DELETE)
Where are you in your study?
Whether you are writing a grant application, conducting a study, or ready to publish research results, disseminating research findings is relevant at all phases of research.
- Including dissemination in idea or grant development: When developing a research idea or writing a grant application, it’s important to think about dissemination of research findings from the very beginning. In fact, many federal grants now require applicants to submit a dissemination plan as part of their grant application.
- Engaging stakeholders during study implementation: When a study is being implemented, there are many opportunities to engage in dissemination. While there are often constraints with communicating study results prior to publishing main outcomes, many research teams choose to provide project updates to study participants and other key stakeholders. Maintaining stakeholder engagement during study implementation is also an important consideration for creating a well thought out dissemination plan.
- Preparing for dissemination:
- Disseminating:
Dissemination and Implementation Plan
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Developing Dissemination budget
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Other CERC and outside resources for Community engagement/stakeholder engagement
CERC CE studios
RIC resources
Health literacy resources – VUMC EHCC, MRCT Center website, additional resources
Identifying and engaging stakeholders
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Identifying dissemination products and channels
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Finalizing dissemination products
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2
Delivering dissemination products through identified channels
- Toolkit #1
- Toolkit #2